Whether you have written 600 posts or you are just beginning the blogging journey, every blogger needs a bucket list. A list of manageable goals and outrageous dreams. A list of things you want to do even if it seems impossible. Here are 41 ideas to get your list started.
- Pimp out your theme with customizations. It can be a new fancy background, plugin, or header and logo. Take the default theme and make it your own.
- Get 20 email followers by offering a free monthly newsletter for those that sign up.
- Join a blog hop or carnival to meet new bloggers in your niche.
- Win a cheesy blogger award in your niche.
- Find and enlist yourself in at least 5 blogger directories.
- Guest post on another blog.
- Have a guest writer on your own blog.
- Pay for a custom domain URL.
- Set up a Google + page.
- Sign up for a blogging class or webinar to hone your skills.
- Pay for a Google Adwords campaign to nab a few more followers.
- Write an epic 2000 word post that will go down in your archives as a “best of” post.
- Create a brand logo or button that other bloggers can grab off of your sidebar.
- Get in front of the camera and start a vlog series.
- Monetize your blog through ad networks or affiliates.
- Have at least 10 pages and 100 posts with a customized menu bar.
- Start a sponsor link page and get other bloggers to pay to advertise on your site.
- Write something deeply personal and revealing for your loyal followers who love getting to know you better.
- Turn a year’s worth of blog posts into a book.
- Find an A-list blogger and get them to follow you on Twitter by loyally following their updates.
- Write a fantastic review of a movie, book, or celebrity in hopes that they give you a shout out on their website too!
- Get to 500 page view hits a day.
- Try to get 500 likes on Google plus or 1000 Twitter followers.
- Further customize your header, menus, and other pages so your blog doesn’t look “typical”.
- Join a blogging group and find support with other writers.
- Go to a Blogher or BlogWorld conference.
- Piss someone off by writing something extremely controversial. Make sure you’re willing to defend your position.
- Write a post or create an image with your web address that goes viral.
- Charge a monthly fee for a newsletter or packet for loyal blog groupies.
- Get into the habit of three posts a week.
- Have a television show contact you for guest blogging.
I met Anderson Cooper because of blogging!
- Start a blogging challenge of some sort and get others to join you.
- Have your name mentioned on a news show or radio show.
- Write a book and get published because your blog is so well-known.
- Earn a monthly income from blogging of at least $500.00.
- Get to at least 5000 hits a day.
- Have the Bloggess give you a shout out just because you are awesome.
- Get a call from Larry King cause he wants you to blog about a special story.
- Get 1,000,000 hits a month.
- Get the president to make a special cabinet position for “blogger of the president”.
- Be that person.